Sun Lihua, female, doctor, professor, doctoral supervisor. Work in the teaching and research section of Pharmacoeconomics.She graduated from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University (formerly Shenyang College of Pharmacy) in 1985 with a bachelor's degree in chemical pharmacy; in 1990,she graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology with a master's degree in industrial management engineering; in 2007,she received a doctorate in pharmaceutical management from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University. Undertake the teaching task of "Technical Economics" for undergraduates, some chapters of "Introduction to Pharmacy" for undergraduates, and "Pharmaceutical Economics" for graduate students. From 1999 to 2006,she served successively as deputy dean and dean of the School of Business Administration of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University.She was named one of the top ten outstanding young intellectuals in Shenyang in 2006.She is currently a member of the Degree Committee and Academic Committee of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, and the chairman of the business administration sub-discipline. Famous teaching teacher of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University. Presided over nearly 20 provincial and ministerial-level projects, published more than 300 papers, of which 2 were included in SCI, edited and published more than ten books and textbooks. Won 2 awards above the provincial and ministerial level.
Title of talents, social part-time jobs, etc
1.Vice Chairman of the Professional Committee of Pharmacoeconomics of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association;
2.Chairman of the Pharmaceutical Economics Committee of Liaoning Pharmaceutical Association;
3.Vice Chairman of the Evidence-based Pharmacoeconomics Committee of China Association of Chinese Materia Medica;
4.Researcher of Drug Policy Research Center of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association;
5.Chairman of ISPOR China Northeast Branch;
6.《Editorial board member of "Journal of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University";
7.《Expert reviewers of journals such as "Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal", "Chinese Journal of New Drugs", "Chinese Health Policy Research".
Main research direction
Research direction 1: Pharmacoeconomics and drug policy
Research direction 2: Pharmaceutical investment benefit and management
Scientific research projects presided over and participated in the past five years:
1.Comprehensive evaluation study of ceftriaxone, a sub-project of the National Science and Technology Support Program, fund number 2013BAI06B04Y023145 (Principal);
2.Research on the quality of life based on the preferences of the Chinese population--Constructing the EQ-5D scale utility score system, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 71273015 (head of the cooperative unit);
3.Research on data acquisition of pharmacoeconomic evaluation in Liaoning Province, Liaoning Province Social Science Planning Fund Project, fund number L13DJY100 (Principal)
4.Part of the basic drugs (first-class vaccine) clinical comprehensive evaluation research, the National Health and Family Planning Commission commissioned by the Department of Pharmaceutical Affairs, fund number Yaozheng 2015 (19) (Principal)
5.Research on the pharmaceutical management policy of primary medical and health institutions, a project commissioned by the Department of Pharmaceutical Affairs of the National Health Commission, Yaozheng [2018] No. 21 (Principal);
6."Research on the Management Benefits of China's Medical Insurance Fund", a project commissioned by a multinational enterprise (Principal);
7."Research on China's Essential Drug System", a project commissioned by a multinational company (Principal);
8.Research on Drug Price Monitoring", a project commissioned by multinational companies (Principal);
9."Pharmaccoeconomic Evaluation of XX Drugs", a project commissioned by multinational companies (Principal);
10."Comprehensive Evaluation of XX Drugs for Treatment of XX Disease", a project commissioned by a multinational enterprise (Principal).
Representative papers published in recent five years:
1. Wenhua Luo, Lihua Sun, GuangpingWang.Studies of Product Structural Adjustment Routes for China’s PharmaceuticalIndustry: A View from the New Medical Care Reform Targets,Therapeutic Innovation& Regulatory Science,2016-01. DOI: 10.1177/2168479015596006 (SCI,通讯作者);
2. Ye Z, XinQ, Jiang X, Sun L. Comparison ofeffectiveness of premixed insulin with long-acting insulin in diabetes: evidencefrom real-world cohort studies—systematic review and meta-analyses,International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries. 2018, 38(4):366~374 DOI: 10.1007/s13410-018-0621-6 (SCI,通讯作者);
3.SUN Li-hua, SHANG Yang, TANG Mi.Pediatric drugs in China:problems and countermeasures. Foreign Medical Sciences2016.43(4):597-601(Peking University Chinese Core, the first author);
4.LI Bo;SUN Lihua. Threshold Effect: Analysis of R&D Investment Relative to the Scale of Enterprise[J]. China Pharmaceutical Industry Journal2019,50(01):113-117(Peking University Chinese Core, corresponding author)
5.ZHAO Nana, SUN Lihua Research on R&D Capability of New Drugs in Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry[J]. China Pharmaceutical Industry Journal2018,49(09):1321-1326. (Peking University Chinese Core, corresponding author)
6.LI Bo, SUN Lihua.Discussion on Structural Reform of Supply-side of Pharmaceutical Industry under New Normal[J]. China Pharmaceutical Industry Journal 2018,49(09):1331-1335. (Peking University Chinese Core, corresponding author)
7.XIN Qian, ZHENG Yi, GONG Xue, SUN Li-hua .A comparative study on impact of tax incentives and financial subsidies on R&D investment of Chinese materia medica enterprises[J]. Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs,2018,49(09):2215-2220. (Peking University Chinese Core, corresponding author)
8.YE Zi-ping, ZHENG Yi, SUN Li-hua.Introduction and Research Status of 6-Dimensional Health State Classification System[J]. Chinese Health Economics,2018,37(02):70-73. (Peking University Chinese Core, corresponding author)
9.LU Yan, DUAN Xiaomin, SUN Lihua.Cost-effectiveness analysis of Baofukang versus Xinfuning in the treatment of HPV infection[J]. Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine,2017,17(06):711-718. (Peking University Chinese Core, corresponding author)
10.SUN Jie, HAO Ya-wei, SUN Li-hua.Estimation of the willingness to pay(WTP)for health improvement in China[J]. Chinese Journal of New Drugs,2016.25(20):2301-2304. (Peking University Chinese Core, corresponding author)
Textbooks and monographs edited or participated in:
1.Editor-in-chief of the third edition of "Pharmaceutical Economics", the fourth round of planning textbooks for pharmacy in national higher medical schools. China Medical Science and Technology Press, August 2, 2015;
2.Editor-in-chief of "Pharmaceutical Economics", the second round of planning textbooks for clinical pharmacy in national colleges and universities, and the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" textbook of National Health and Family Planning Commission: People's Medical Publishing House, September 2014
3.Editor-in-chief of the second edition of "Pharmaceutical Economics", the fourth round of planning textbooks for pharmacy in national higher medical schools. China Medical Science and Technology Press, March 2010;
4.Editor-in-chief of "Pharmaceutical Economics", the fourth round of planning textbooks for pharmacy in national higher medical schools, China Medical Science and Technology Press, February 2004;
5.Editor-in-chief of "Pharmaceutical Economics and New Drug Research and Development", Chemical Industry Press, May 2003. Won the third prize of the 2003-2004 Liaoning Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Achievement Award in the name of the Liaoning Provincial Government;
6.Editor-in-Chief of "Comprehensive Knowledge and Skills of Pharmacy" 1-3 editions, People's Military Medical Press, 2005-2008
7.Associate editor of "Medical Ethics", national planning textbook for the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" for general higher education, fourth round planning textbook for pharmacy in national higher medical schools, China Medical Science and Technology Press, August 2015
8.Associate Editor of "Modern Pharmaceutical Affairs Management", China Medical Science and Technology Press, October 2004;
9."Introduction to Pharmacy" third/fourth edition, "Eleventh Five-Year"/"Twelfth Five-Year" National Undergraduate Planning Textbook for General Higher Education, Fourth Round Planning Textbook of Pharmacy for National Higher Medical Colleges, China Medical Science and Technology Publishing Agency, July 2012/August 2015;
10."Pharmaceutical Management Science" Part 1-4, China Medical Science and Technology Press. August 2002/August 2006/June 2008 V July 2010.